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How MongoDB, ReactJS and GraphQL Can Optimize Your Tech Stack

Want to know more about MongoDB, ReactJS and GraphQL? Our web development team explains what they are and how they could help you optimize your tech stack.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database which is structured to store data as documents as opposed to the traditional Relational Database such as MySQL using tables and rows.

Think of MongoDB as a folder on a computer with subfolders specifically labeled to store and organize data as opposed to MySQL as a spreadsheet with multiple tables composed of columns and rows.

In comparison to each other, both MongoDB and SQL have their own purposes and one is not better than the other overall. When it comes to MongoDB, it is considered more flexible as it is not confined to the same strict rules an MySQL database adheres to. Document structure and fields can be updated easily as it uses a dynamic schema allowing easier updates avoiding large scale overhauls or re-calibration. This allows a much more sophisticated approach to storing, retrieving, combining, and indexing data that can easily adjust as a project moves forward.

On the other-side, MySQL is considered to be more accessible, is compatible with most systems, and provides extra layers of security. Due to time on market, it has a large community with many tools to make development more transparent. As it is actively utilized across the board, MySQL is constantly updated with features to be a top-tier competitor for data storage.

What the decision comes down to is what are the goals of your application? Are you looking for a database that will return complex queries fast, integrate well with front-end based technologies, and requires strong flexibility, or a much more rigid structure with tonnes of support and an extra layer of security? This decision will come down to what your goals are and which tech-stack you want to use.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript based library which is the brainchild of Facebook (now Meta) to address the issue of seamlessly altering pages without forcing the page to reload operating on the frontend.

ReactJS is built entirely on JavaScript and is considered one of the most powerful libraries to implement for not only SPAs (Single Page Applications) but can also be included in any website to allow applications to be inserted and run directly on any page, regardless of stack. This allows integration into almost any platform.

When considering an SPA, the tech-stack used to complement ReactJS will need to be more refined as there are pairings optimized with a seamless integration such as a MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Node).

What is ReactJS Used For?

Developers can now create incredibly powerful, seamless, frontend applications with strong community support, open-source JavaScript packages through node's NPM to enhance features without adding large amounts of development time. For best-practices, additional libraries with the goal of maintaining stricter coding such as TypeScript will force a more unison and cleaner codebase. These combining efforts create a superior UI and UX for clients using the application.

Not to confuse ReactJS with React Native. ReactJS is just a JavaScript library meant for web based applications whereas React Native is the entire framework designed for creating cross-platform apps between web, iOS, or Android.

If you are looking to create an application with an entirely seamless UX entirely built on a ReactJS integrated stack such as MERN or just looking to enhance features integrated into an already existing site such as a product modification application isolated to a single page, ReactJS is a top-tier JavaScript library to achieve your goals.

If your goal is to create a cross-platform application with unity across the codebase, React Native is your answer. The framework can detect what platform you are requesting the application from and provide the appropriate code.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is an API technology which performs as a query language and is meant to be used to construct requests for data from multiple sources. This is opposed to the RESTful approach which is a request to a specific URL that will return a predefined sub-set of data.

GraphQL is sometimes confused with being a database when in-fact it is not. GraphQL is a layer between the frontend and a database which listens to requests from a client and will retrieve data from a database.

What is GraphQL Used For?

GraphQL can be used not only with a Graph but any other database. From a frontend perspective, every technology is indifferent to which API is used whether it is a RESTful or GraphQL approach.

Since GraphQL is just a query language, it does require a separate server to operate on such as Apollo. This does require additional services to be set up whereas a REST operation is just a request to a specified endpoint that can exist anywhere.

Interested in Adding MongoDB, ReactJS or GraphQL to Your Tech Stack?

Learn how our Toronto-based full-stack web development team can develop a ReactJS app for you from the ground up. Our full-stack development team has been developing React applications since 2017. We’ve worked with clients across North America and Europe, and can handle your most challenging application needs. Reach out to us and request a quote to get started with MongoDB, React JS or GraphQL today.

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